04. Filter using MNE-python

The data are bandpass filtered (1 - 40 Hz) using linear-phase fir filter with delay compensation. For the lowpass filter the transition bandwidth is automatically defined. See Background information on filtering for more. The filtered data are saved to separate files to the subject’s’MEG’ directory.

import os
import os.path as op

import mne
from mne import pick_types
from mne.parallel import parallel_func

from library.config import study_path, meg_dir, l_freq, N_JOBS

if not op.exists(meg_dir):

def run_filter(subject_id):
    subject = "sub%03d" % subject_id
    print("processing subject: %s" % subject)
    raw_fname_out = op.join(meg_dir, subject,
    raw_fname_in = op.join(study_path, 'ds117', subject, 'MEG',
    for run in range(1, 7):
        raw_in = raw_fname_in % run
        raw = mne.io.read_raw_fif(raw_in, preload=True, verbose='error')
        raw.set_channel_types({'EEG061': 'eog',
                               'EEG062': 'eog',
                               'EEG063': 'ecg',
                               'EEG064': 'misc'})  # EEG064 free-floating el.
        raw.rename_channels({'EEG061': 'EOG061',
                             'EEG062': 'EOG062',
                             'EEG063': 'ECG063'})

        if not op.exists(op.join(meg_dir, subject)):
            os.mkdir(op.join(meg_dir, subject))

        # Band-pass the data channels (MEG and EEG)
            l_freq, 40, l_trans_bandwidth='auto', h_trans_bandwidth='auto',
            filter_length='auto', phase='zero', fir_window='hamming',
        # High-pass EOG to get reasonable thresholds in autoreject
        picks_eog = pick_types(raw.info, meg=False, eog=True)
            l_freq, None, picks=picks_eog, l_trans_bandwidth='auto',
            filter_length='auto', phase='zero', fir_window='hann',
        raw_out = raw_fname_out % (run, l_freq)
        raw.save(raw_out, overwrite=True)

parallel, run_func, _ = parallel_func(run_filter, n_jobs=N_JOBS)
parallel(run_func(subject_id) for subject_id in range(1, 20))

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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