Compute inverse solution for evoked dataΒΆ

Here we’ll use our knowledge from the other examples and tutorials to compute an inverse solution and apply it on event related fields.

# Author: Denis A. Enegemann
# License: BSD 3 clause

import os.path as op
import mne
import hcp
from hcp import preprocessing as preproc

we assume our data is inside a designated folder under $HOME

storage_dir = op.expanduser('~/mne-hcp-data')
hcp_path = op.join(storage_dir, 'HCP')
recordings_path = op.join(storage_dir, 'hcp-meg')
subjects_dir = op.join(storage_dir, 'hcp-subjects')
subject = '105923'  # our test subject
data_type = 'task_working_memory'
run_index = 0

We’re reading the evoked data. These are the same as in Visualize evoked data

hcp_evokeds = hcp.read_evokeds(onset='stim', subject=subject,
                                   data_type=data_type, hcp_path=hcp_path)
for evoked in hcp_evokeds:
    if not evoked.comment == 'Wrkmem_LM-TIM-face_BT-diff_MODE-mag':

We’ll now use a convenience function to get our forward and source models instead of computing them by hand.

src_outputs = hcp.anatomy.compute_forward_stack(
    subject=subject, subjects_dir=subjects_dir,
    hcp_path=hcp_path, recordings_path=recordings_path,
    # speed up computations here. Setting `add_dist` to True may improve the
    # accuracy.
    info_from=dict(data_type=data_type, run_index=run_index))

fwd = src_outputs['fwd']

Now we can compute the noise covariance. For this purpose we will apply the same filtering as was used for the computations of the ERF in the first place. See also Computing ERFs from HCP.

raw_noise = hcp.read_raw(subject=subject, hcp_path=hcp_path,

# apply ref channel correction and drop ref channels

# Note: MNE complains on Python 2.7
raw_noise.filter(0.50, None, method='iir',
                 iir_params=dict(order=4, ftype='butter'), n_jobs=1)
raw_noise.filter(None, 60, method='iir',
                 iir_params=dict(order=4, ftype='butter'), n_jobs=1)


The default output type is "ba" in 0.13 but will change to "sos" in 0.14
The default output type is "ba" in 0.13 but will change to "sos" in 0.14

Note that using the empty room noise covariance will inflate the SNR of the evkoked and renders comparisons to baseline rather uninformative.

noise_cov = mne.compute_raw_covariance(raw_noise, method='empirical')

Now we assemble the inverse operator, project the data and show the results on the fsaverage surface, the freesurfer average brain.

inv_op = mne.minimum_norm.make_inverse_operator(, fwd, noise_cov=noise_cov)

stc = mne.minimum_norm.apply_inverse(  # these data have a pretty high SNR and
    evoked, inv_op, method='MNE', lambda2=1./9.**2)  # 9 is a lovely number.

stc = stc.to_original_src(
    src_outputs['src_fsaverage'], subjects_dir=subjects_dir)

brain = stc.plot(subject='fsaverage', subjects_dir=subjects_dir, hemi='both')
brain.set_time(145)  # we take the peak seen in :ref:`tut_plot_evoked` and
brain.show_view('caudal')  # admire wide spread visual activation.


Updating smoothing matrix, be patient..
Smoothing matrix creation, step 1
Smoothing matrix creation, step 2
Smoothing matrix creation, step 3
Smoothing matrix creation, step 4
Smoothing matrix creation, step 5
Smoothing matrix creation, step 6
Smoothing matrix creation, step 7
Smoothing matrix creation, step 8
Smoothing matrix creation, step 9
Smoothing matrix creation, step 10
colormap: fmin=2.35e-11 fmid=2.79e-11 fmax=9.14e-11 transparent=1
Updating smoothing matrix, be patient..
Smoothing matrix creation, step 1
Smoothing matrix creation, step 2
Smoothing matrix creation, step 3
Smoothing matrix creation, step 4
Smoothing matrix creation, step 5
Smoothing matrix creation, step 6
Smoothing matrix creation, step 7
Smoothing matrix creation, step 8
Smoothing matrix creation, step 9
Smoothing matrix creation, step 10
colormap: fmin=2.35e-11 fmid=2.79e-11 fmax=9.14e-11 transparent=1

Total running time of the script: ( 1 minutes 33.565 seconds)

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