Compute forward modelΒΆ

Here we’ll first compute a source space, then the bem model and finally the forward solution.

# Author: Denis A. Enegemann
# License: BSD 3 clause

import os.path as op
import mne
import hcp

we assume our data is inside a designated folder under $HOME

storage_dir = op.expanduser('~/mne-hcp-data')
hcp_path = op.join(storage_dir, 'HCP')
recordings_path = op.join(storage_dir, 'hcp-meg')
subjects_dir = op.join(storage_dir, 'hcp-subjects')
subject = '105923'  # our test subject

and we assume to have the downloaded data, the MNE/freesurfer style anatomy directory, and the MNE style MEG directory. these can be obtained from make_mne_anatomy(). See also Extract essential anatomy information.

first we read the coregistration.

head_mri_t = mne.read_trans(
    op.join(recordings_path, subject, '{}-head_mri-trans.fif'.format(

Now we can setup our source model. Note that spacing has to be set to ‘all’ since no common MNE resampling scheme has been employed in the HCP pipelines. Since this will take very long time to compute and at this point no other decimation scheme is available inside MNE, we will compute the source space on fsaverage, the freesurfer average brain, and morph it onto the subject’s native space. With oct6 we have ~8000 dipole locations.

src_fsaverage = mne.setup_source_space(
    subject='fsaverage', subjects_dir=subjects_dir, add_dist=False,
    spacing='oct6', overwrite=True)

# now we morph it onto the subject.

src_subject = mne.morph_source_spaces(
    src_fsaverage, subject, subjects_dir=subjects_dir)

For the same reason ico has to be set to None when computing the bem. The headshape is not computed with MNE and has a none standard configuration.

bems = mne.make_bem_model(subject, conductivity=(0.3,),
                          ico=None)  # ico = None for morphed SP.
bem_sol = mne.make_bem_solution(bems)
bem_sol['surfs'][0]['coord_frame'] = 5

Now we can read the channels that we want to map to the cortical locations. Then we can compute the forward solution.

info = hcp.read_info(subject=subject, hcp_path=hcp_path, data_type='rest',

picks = mne.pick_types(info, meg=True, ref_meg=False)
info = mne.pick_info(info, picks)

fwd = mne.make_forward_solution(info, trans=head_mri_t, bem=bem_sol,
mag_map = mne.sensitivity_map(
    fwd, projs=None, ch_type='mag', mode='fixed', exclude=[], verbose=None)

we display sensitivity map on the original surface with little smoothing and admire the expected curvature-driven sensitivity pattern.

mag_map = mag_map.to_original_src(src_fsaverage, subjects_dir=subjects_dir)
mag_map.plot(subject='fsaverage', subjects_dir=subjects_dir,
             clim=dict(kind='percent', lims=[0, 50, 99]),


Updating smoothing matrix, be patient..
Smoothing matrix creation, step 1
Smoothing matrix creation, step 2
colormap: fmin=1.99e-02 fmid=4.15e-01 fmax=9.01e-01 transparent=1

Total running time of the script: ( 1 minutes 9.762 seconds)

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